Hello, how can we help you?

Frequently asked questions

1.1. Configure your domain DNS

In case, you'd like to run your e-shop on your own domain (for example myshop.com instead of myshop.shopiteka.com), you need to forward (create A record at DNS settings) your domain to Shopiteka server IP address You could do this from your domain provider's admin panel.

To forward your domain:

1. Login to your domain provider admin panel and follow next steps or contact your domain provider support, to help you with forwarding the domain to Shopiteka server.

2. After opening your domain provider admin panel, find the DNS settings, so you could see all and edit DNS records.

3. Please create/edit these 2 DNS records:

@         A     |

*            A     |

NOTICE: If you are going to use your domain for e-mails as well (for example info@yourdomain.com, sales@yourdomain.com etc.), please finish step 1.2 first, and then continue this tutorial. 

4. If you are able to edit TTL value, please set it to 300 seconds (or any other lowest possible value). 

5. Save your changes.

IMPORTANT: Usually DNS changes take effect after 2-4 hours, in some cases it might take max 24 hours, till changes are applied and domain becomes available for your e-shop. 

1.2. E-mail box with your domain 

 Unfortunately, Shopiteka does not provide mailbox hosting services, so in case, you'd like to use domain for your mailboxes (for example info@yourdomain.com, sales@yourdomain.com etc.):

1. You need to order mailbox hosting service. Usually you could order such service from the same provider, that you ordered your domain.

2. Create two DNS records, you'll find an example below, at your DNS records config (same area, where you created records for part 1.1 of this tutorial, step 3). Usually these records looks like that:

@         |     MX     |     IP address of server, where you mailboxes are hosted

mail          A       |     IP address of server, where you mailboxes are hosted

IMPORTANT: After DNS records are created and domain is forwarded to Shopiteka server IP address, please don't forget to finish domain activation step, at your e-shop admin panel.  

If you'd like to make some test orders, we recommend to create a test product with price 0.01 EUR,USD etc. and just try all the flow

NOTICE: After you finish your tests, please send the numbers of your test orders to shopiteka@shopiteka.com, so we could undo these orders and no fees would be counted.

All system notifications, related to your e-shop are sent to the e-mail, you entered in e-shop admin „Settings“ -> „General“, field „E-mail“. 

You'll will receive e-mail notifications about:

  •  Received new orders;
  •  Requests from filled contact form, placed on your e-shop;
  •  Password recovery e-mails.

There are cases, when it is very useful to enable guidelines, while working with Live editor. Usually they are useful for cases, when there some empty (without visible content, or with the content of only one language) blocks, that are hard to select for editing or deleting. To enable guidelines:

1.  Open “Live editor” ir “Edit contentview:

2. At the bottom of the left (available blocks) menu, enable button “show guidelines”:

There are two main blocks in your homepage, where you can place any item from toolbox (picture, text, slideshow, etc): 
screen wide block and centered narrow block. 
Here how it looks:

So if you drag your image item to narrow centered block, you will automatically have your image centered.

However, it is sometimes the case, that you have a small item (for example, small image) and you want it to have centered. In this case you want to use Columns item.

Simply drag it to the block and make it to be 3 columns. This means that the 2nd column (the middle one) you will use it for your image, and 1st and 3rd columns (side columns) will let you to center that image. So, now drag your image block to the middle column, adjust its size and that's it.

Shopiteka allows you to easily synchronize your e-shop with your Google analytics account. All you need to do is to create new project for your e-shop at your Google analytics account, get google tracking ID and enter it to your e-shop settings:

1. Login to your Google analytics account and copy the google tracking ID of your e-shop project:

2. Open your e-shop admin panel and navigate to „Settings“ ir „General“:

3. Scroll down to section „Other“, and paste your „Google Analytics Tracking ID“:

PASTABA: If you don't have Google Analytics account yet, you could use some help, from Google instructions: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1008015?hl=en

Creating subcategories, will result sub-menu items, below the main category menu link:

How to create a sub-category:

1. Open settings page of any product (there is no difference, because all (sub)categories are equally available for all products):

2. Scroll down to section „Product categories“. In case you don't have any (sub)categories created yet, you create them by clicking the button „Add new category“:

3. Click „Edit catgoriess“ button:

4.  Use Drag&drop to create subkategory, by dragging it below the main category and moving it a little more to the right, than the main category.
You could also use Drag&drop to move categories up/down to change the order:

First of all, make sure, you have already finished another tutorial, named "Configure your own domain, for your e-shop?".
Enabling your own domain is the last (the 10th) step of Quickstart guide. We recommend to do it, after your e-shop is fully prepared.
Just click on "Use your own domain" and enter your domain (for example mydomain.com. Without http://, www. or anything else at the beginning).

IMPORTANT: After you activate your own domain, all dynamic links of your e-shop (links to product, category pages etc.) will be automatically regenerated, but if there are any links, that were entered manually, they should be changed manually as well.

System is always making several copies (with different sizes) of the images you upload, so it is not necessary to optimize your images by your self.

Recommended sizes for product images:

  • Width: auto
  • Max height: 2500px
  • Max size: 3,5 MB

Recommended sizes for other images:

  • Width: ~1600px
  • Weight: ~1600px
  • Max size: 5 MB

You can change products order for specific category:

1. Open Products page:

2. Filter only products from the „Category“, you would like to sort products for:

3. Use Drag&Drop to change products order:

PASTABA: If you don't have any categories created, Drag&Drop icon will be visible without filtering the products by category.

Special cases when same product belongs to more than one category/subcategory. 
While sorting the products, system sets place number for each product (1, 2, 3, 4 etc.). One product can have only one place number and it will be the same for all categories, that product is assigned to. For example: if product got number 4, it will the 4th place in all the categories it belongs to. In other words, sorting product in one category, overwrites its place for all (sub)categories.

Anyway, there is a way, to control products order for several (sub)categories. 
For example.: Let's say, product belongs to main category, and some sub-categories, that has smaller amount of products, that the main category. In such case, you should set product order only at the main category (product order place is recalculated each time product order was change for category, that product belongs to). 

Products order, created at the main category, will be passed to the smaller (sub)categories.


Let's create a main category, that consists of products named numbers from 1 to 10. 
Let's create 2 sub-categories ("even" & "odd") and split products from the main category to sub-categories:

Even sub-categories: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Odd sub-categories: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

Set products order to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 at the main category and the same order will be passed to sub-categories. 

By default, new products gets product place no. 1. Adding more products will cause the situation, when more than one product have the same place number and the control of product places will be lost. To solve that, just make as small products order change at the main category, so the product places would be recalculated.    

Jei kopijuosite tekstą iš „Word“ ar bet kokio kito teksto redaktoriaus ir įklijuosite jį į „Shipoteka“ el. parduotuvės teksto laukelius, kartu su kopijuojamu tekstu, bus perkelta visa kita teksto stiliaus informacija (pvz.: šriftas, spalva, tarpai ir t.t.). Dažniausiai savo sukurtoje el. parduotuvėje Jūs turite pasirinkę kitą teksto stilių ir žinoma, norite jį išlaikyti vienodą visuose tekstuose.

Norėdami pašalinti esamus teksto stiliaus elementus ir naudoti tik Jūsų el. parduotuvėje pasirinktą stilių, Jūs turėtumėte pašalinti netinkamą, su tekstu perkeltą teksto formatavimą. Norėdami tai atlikti:

1. Teksto laukelyje pažymėkite reikalingą tekstą:

2. Įrankių juostoje paspauskite „Remove Font Style“ mygtuką:

PASTABA: Ši funkcija ne visada pilnai suveikia ir pašalina perkopijuoto teksto stilių, todėl rekomenduojame nukopijavus tekstą iš kitų šaltinių, įkelti jį į „Shopiteka“ tekstui skirtą vietą, spaudžiant dešinį pelės klavišą ir pasirenkant meniu „Paste as a plain text“ (priklausomai nuo naudojamos internetinės naršyklės, šio meniu pavadinimas gali šiek tiek skirtis).

In case you need some main menu items get hidden, follow the steps below:

1. Go to your e-shop admin panel and open „Live editor“ ir „Edit content“:

2. Select your main navigation block by clicking it:

3. Main menu settings will open on the left sidebar. You can hide/show menu elements, by toggling the buttons located at the right side of the element name:

NOTICE: If you need to completely remove the category, you should do this from product settings page.

There are two types of links, available for main menu:

  • Category/product page links
  • Info-page links

Category pages are automatically generated after you create a category and add one or more products to it.
Info-pages consists of manually customizable content (text, pictures, sliders and any other content block, you place by your self with live editor).

Main menu item for category page is automatically generated right after you create new category and assign one or more products to it, but if you create an info-page, you should place the link to it manually:

1. Create new info page by navigating to „Live editor“ ir „Info pages“:

2. Copy your new info-page URL. You could do that, by opening your e-shop and clicking on the info-page link, located at the Info links block at the bottom of the page. Copy the URL, from the address box (for example.: https://myshop.shopiteka.com/about-us):

3. Open e-shop admin panel and navigate to  „Live editor“ ir „Edit content“:

4. Click on main menu block:

5. Click „Add link“ button:

6. Enter the name of link (that will be visible on the main menu), paste the URL address and click „Create“ button: 

In case you need to change your e-shop login password :

  • If you remember your current password:

1. Open your e-shop admin panel and navigate to „Settings“ ir „General“:

2. Scroll down to section „Administration users“, find the field „Password“ – and click „change password“ input field:

  • If you forgot your password:

Open login page to your e-shop admin panel (your e-shop URL address + "/admin". for example.: myshop.shopiteka.com/admin/). Below the login form, you'll find the „Forgot Password?“ link. Click it and follow the instructions.

To change your e-shop language version, shown in live editor:

1. Navigate to „Settings“ ir „Language & currency“:

2. Disable all language except the one, you need (this is only temporary).

3. Open live editor. On right side, you should see your e-shop shown in a language, that was left enabled at Language & currency settings.

4. Go back to „Settings“ ir „Language & currency“ and enable all the languages, that were disabled at step 2.

By default, info-links block shows link, to all the info-pages created at your e-shop. In case you would like to hide some of these links, without deleting any of created info-pages, you can create your own info-links block:

1. Copy URL of your info-pages, that should be included into your new info-links block. 

2. Open live editor „Live editor“ ir „Edit content“:

3. We recommend to enable guidelines for the clearer view (to do that, you can use our tutorial "Activate guidelines, for better Live editor experience"): 

4. Choose Columns block from the left sidebar and drag&drop it to your page content area:

5. Set number of columns equal to amount of links, you have for your new info-links block:

6. Create new info-link, by placing a text block inside one of columns block column:

7. Click „Link“ icon:

8. Fill in Name and URL of your info-link. By default, your info-link will be opened in a new browser tab. In case you need this info-link to be opened in the same browser tab, please remove mark, from „Open in new window“ checkbox.

9. Repeat steps 6, 7, 8 until all your info-links are placed. You can delete the old info-links block after creating a new one.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to fill in info-link names, for all available languages (if you have more than one, enabled for your e-shop).

In case you need to create/edit product options & variations:

1. Open a product page:

2. Click field „Variations“ and select "Edit product variations":

3. You will find all the variation configuration options at pop-up window:

  • No. 1 - here you can find all created variation names, for the specific option. Click the name of variation, to edit it.
  • No. 2 – „Drag&drop“ to change the variations order.
  • No. 1 & No. 2 works the same way with options (Size, Color etc.) as well.
  • No. 3 - Click this button, to add new option (Material , Season etc.)
  • No. 4 - Click this button, to add new option variation (XXL, XXS etc.)

4. Click "Done" to save the changes.

5. After creating/editing product options & variations, you can add the option by selecting it from Variations list. All enabled options are shown in labels with yellow background:

NOTICE: You'll be allow to edit options & variants only from the product's, that has no options enable, page.

6. After enabling the options you can add variations. Select the variation and fill in the stock quantity and the price:

IMPORTANT: One product can have max 3 options enabled.

You can edit options & variations without removing the existing ones. Just go to another product page or create a temporary product, that has no options activated and make your options & variations changes from its settings page. Any options & variations changes, you make, will become available for all the other products as well.

1. Visit Shopiteka.com“ or „Shopiteka.lt“ to create your Shopiteka account, by entering the name of your e-shop, e-mail (it will be used for login and system notifications, such as info about new order etc.), password. Don't forget to read Terms & Conditions, before creating your e-shop:

2.  After logging in your e-shop admin panel, you'll find a "Quick start guide". You'll be guided through 10 steps, that covers all the main e-shop functionality. By the time, you finish all the steps, you'll have working e-shop, with basic setup.
If you are not able to finish all the steps at once, you'll be able to continue on your next login. Uncompleted steps can be find at admin panel page "Home":

3. First step requires to enter your e-shop name and description. This information will also be provided to search engines(such as google) and will be visible as search results:

NOTICE: You'll be able to update this information anytime you want at „SETTINGS“ -> „GENERAL“. 

4. Second step requires to fill in your contact info:

IMPORTANT: Ensure you've entered the correct information, because all this information will be used to generate invoices. 
E-mail address will used to send you system notifications, related to your e-shop, such as: 

  • Received new orders;
  • Requests from filled contact form, placed on your e-shop;
  • Password recovery e-mails. 

NOTICE: You'll be able to update this information anytime you want at „SETTINGS“ -> „GENERAL“. 

5. Third step requires to set the country, language (more than one language is allowed for e-shop, you'll be able to enable more languages later), main currency (you'll be able to active more currencies later) and enable/disable VAT settings:

NOTICE: You'll be able to update VAT and country information anytime you want at „SETTINGS“ -> „GENERAL“. Language and currency could be updated at „SETTINGS“ -> „LANGUAGE & CURRENCY“.

6. Fourth step asks you to create first product and category:

Same product page allows you to upload product images, created/set categories and make other product configurations.

NOTICE: You'll be able to update product information anytime you want by opening product configuration page from „PRODUCTS“ page. 

7. Fifth step allows you to enable and configure payment methods for your e-shop:

NOTICE: You'll be able to update payment methods settings anytime you want at „SETTINGS“ -> „PAYMENT METHODS“. 

8. Sixth step allows you to enable and configure shipment methods for your e-shop::

NOTICE: You'll be able to update payment methods settings anytime you want at „SETTINGS“ -> „SHIPPING METHODS“. 

9. Seventh step requires creating Terms & Conditions. You can write your own terms and conditions or your could use button "Help me write terms & conditions" to generate default terms and conditions for you:

NOTICE: Terms & conditions could be modified anytime you like at "LIVE EDITOR" -> "INFOPAGES". 

10. Eighth step requires creating Return policy. You can write your own return policy or your could use button "Help me write return policy" to generate default return policy for you:

NOTICE: Terms & conditions could be modified anytime you like at "LIVE EDITOR" -> "INFOPAGES".

11. Ninth step is working with the styles and content of your e-shop:

  • Edit content“ allows you to fill your e-shop content with blocks using drag&drop. 
  • Styles“ allows you tu configure colors, fonts etc.
  • Info pages“ – for creating/editing/deleting infopages. 
  • Change logo“ – for uploading logo image. 
  • Change theme“ – choose/change the design theme of your e-shop. 
  • Advanced“ – allows you to extend your e-shop functionality by placing your own CSS or JS code. 

NOTICE: These settings could be reachedanytime you like at "LIVE EDITOR".

12. Tenth step - „Use your own domain“:

By default all new e-shops get generated URL address, that is Shopiteka subdomain (for example myshop.shopiteka.com). This address if fully operational, but usually customers want to use their own domain (for example myshop.com). 
Complete this step, to enable your own domain, for your e-shop.  

IMPORTANT: First of all, make sure, you have already finished another tutorial, named "Configure your own domain, for your e-shop?".